In EigenDA, the original blob to disperse is encoded as a polynomial via taking
taking different point evaluations (i.e. erasure coding). These points are split
into disjoint subsets which are assigned to different operator nodes in the EigenDA
The data in this message is a subset of these points that are assigned to a
single operator node.
Each bundle contains all chunks for a single quorum of the blob. The number of bundles must be equal to the total number of quorums associated with the blob, and the ordering must be the same as BlobHeader.quorum_headers. Note: an operator may be in some but not all of the quorums; in that case the bundle corresponding to that quorum will be empty.
Merkle proof that returned blob header belongs to the batch and is the batch's MerkleProof.index-th blob. This can be checked against the batch root on chain.
The hash of the ReducedBatchHeader defined onchain, see: This identifies which batch to retrieve for.
Which quorum of the blob to retrieve for (note: a blob can have multiple quorums and the chunks for different quorums at a Node can be different). The ID must be in range [0, 254].
The operator's BLS sgnature signed on the blob header hashes. The ordering of the signatures must match the ordering of the blobs sent in the request, with empty signatures in the places for discarded blobs.
StoreChunks validates that the chunks match what the Node is supposed to receive ( different Nodes are responsible for different chunks, as EigenDA is horizontally sharded) and is correctly coded (e.g. each chunk must be a valid KZG multiproof) according to the EigenDA protocol. It also stores the chunks along with metadata for the protocol-defined length of custody. It will return a signature at the end to attest to the data in this request it has processed.
StoreBlobs is similar to StoreChunks, but it stores the blobs using a different storage schema so that the stored blobs can later be aggregated by AttestBatch method to a bigger batch. StoreBlobs + AttestBatch will eventually replace and deprecate StoreChunks method. DEPRECATED: StoreBlobs method is not used
AttestBatch is used to aggregate the batches stored by StoreBlobs method to a bigger batch. It will return a signature at the end to attest to the aggregated batch. DEPRECATED: AttestBatch method is not used