Protocol Documentation
Table of Contents
The response to the GetChunks() RPC.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chunks | bytes | repeated | All chunks the Node is storing for the requested blob per GetChunksRequest. |
chunk_encoding_format | ChunkEncodingFormat | The format how the above chunks are encoded. |
The parameter for the GetChunks() RPC.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
blob_key | bytes | The unique identifier for the blob the chunks are being requested for. The blob_key is the keccak hash of the rlp serialization of the BlobHeader, as computed here: | |
quorum_id | uint32 | Which quorum of the blob to retrieve for (note: a blob can have multiple quorums and the chunks for different quorums at a Node can be different). The ID must be in range [0, 254]. |
Node info reply
Field | Type | Label | Description |
semver | string | The version of the node. | |
arch | string | The architecture of the node. | |
os | string | The operating system of the node. | |
num_cpu | uint32 | The number of CPUs on the node. | |
mem_bytes | uint64 | The amount of memory on the node in bytes. |
The parameter for the GetNodeInfo() RPC.
StoreChunksReply is the message type used to respond to a StoreChunks() RPC.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signature | bytes | The validator's BSL signature signed on the batch header hash. |
Request that the Node store a batch of chunks.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
batch | common.v2.Batch | batch of blobs to store | |
disperserID | uint32 | ID of the disperser that is requesting the storage of the batch. | |
timestamp | uint32 | Timestamp of the request in seconds since the Unix epoch. If too far out of sync with the server's clock, request may be rejected. | |
signature | bytes | Signature using the disperser's ECDSA key over keccak hash of the batch. The purpose of this signature is to prevent hooligans from tricking validators into storing data that they shouldn't be storing. |
Algorithm for computing the hash is as follows. All integer values are serialized in big-endian order (unsigned). A reference implementation (golang) can be found at
- digest len(batch.BatchHeader.BatchRoot) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) 2. digest batch.BatchHeader.BatchRoot 3. digest batch.BatchHeader.ReferenceBlockNumber (8 bytes, unsigned big endian) 4. digest len(batch.BlobCertificates) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) 5. for each certificate in batch.BlobCertificates: a. digest certificate.BlobHeader.Version (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) b. digest len(certificate.BlobHeader.QuorumNumbers) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) c. for each quorum_number in certificate.BlobHeader.QuorumNumbers: i. digest quorum_number (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) d. digest len(certificate.BlobHeader.Commitment.Commitment) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) e. digest certificate.BlobHeader.Commitment.Commitment f digest len(certificate.BlobHeader.Commitment.LengthCommitment) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) g. digest certificate.BlobHeader.Commitment.LengthCommitment h. digest len(certificate.BlobHeader.Commitment.LengthProof) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) i. digest certificate.BlobHeader.Commitment.LengthProof j. digest certificate.BlobHeader.Commitment.Length (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) k. digest len(certificate.BlobHeader.PaymentHeader.AccountId) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) l. digest certificate.BlobHeader.PaymentHeader.AccountId m. digest certificate.BlobHeader.PaymentHeader.Timestamp (4 bytes, signed big endian) n digest len(certificate.BlobHeader.PaymentHeader.CumulativePayment) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) o. digest certificate.BlobHeader.PaymentHeader.CumulativePayment p digest len(certificate.BlobHeader.Signature) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) q. digest certificate.BlobHeader.Signature r. digest len(certificate.Relays) (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) s. for each relay in certificate.Relays: i. digest relay (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) 6. digest disperserID (4 bytes, unsigned big endian) 7. digest timestamp (4 bytes, unsigned big endian)
Note that this signature is not included in the hash for obvious reasons. |
This describes how the chunks returned in GetChunksReply are encoded. Used to facilitate the decoding of chunks.
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | A valid response should never use this value. If encountered, the client should treat it as an error. |
GNARK | 1 | A chunk encoded in GNARK has the following format: |
[KZG proof: 32 bytes] [Coeff 1: 32 bytes] [Coeff 2: 32 bytes] ... [Coeff n: 32 bytes]
The KZG proof is a point on G1 and is serialized with bn254.G1Affine.Bytes(). The coefficients are field elements in bn254 and serialized with fr.Element.Marshal().
References: - bn254.G1Affine: - fr.Element:
Golang serialization and deserialization can be found in: - Frame.SerializeGnark() - Frame.DeserializeGnark() Package: |
Dispersal is utilized to disperse chunk data.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
StoreChunks | StoreChunksRequest | StoreChunksReply | StoreChunks instructs the validator to store a batch of chunks. This call blocks until the validator either acquires the chunks or the validator determines that it is unable to acquire the chunks. If the validator is able to acquire and validate the chunks, it returns a signature over the batch header. This RPC describes which chunks the validator should store but does not contain that chunk data. The validator is expected to fetch the chunk data from one of the relays that is in possession of the chunk. |
GetNodeInfo | GetNodeInfoRequest | GetNodeInfoReply | GetNodeInfo fetches metadata about the node. |
Retrieval is utilized to retrieve chunk data.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetChunks | GetChunksRequest | GetChunksReply | GetChunks retrieves the chunks for a blob custodied at the Node. Note that where possible, it is generally faster to retrieve chunks from the relay service if that service is available. |
GetNodeInfo | GetNodeInfoRequest | GetNodeInfoReply | Retrieve node info metadata |